9 Ways to Update Old Content: How to Make Old Look Like New!

How to Update Old Content & Make It Shine

Creating content is a big part of digital marketing. However, even the best content can get old or lose its value. That’s why it’s vital to update old content. Instead of letting old posts be forgotten, you can make them better with a few updates.

Updating isn’t just about changing a few words or adding a new picture. It’s a process that can help your website show up more in searches, keep readers interested, and bring in more visitors. Following the tips in this guide can make your old content work better for your business.

Let’s look at nine easy ways to update old content and make it feel new again.

Why Updating Old Content is Crucial

Update Old Content

Keeping content current is not just a good practice—it’s crucial for the success of your website. But why exactly is it so important? Understanding the impact of content updates on your on-page SEO and user experience will help you appreciate the value of this practice.

The Impact on SEO

Search engines like fresh and relevant content. When you update an old post, search engines notice and may rank it higher. Adding important keywords, better meta descriptions, or improving the content can help.

Updating old content can also lead to more backlinks, which improves your site. High-quality, fresh posts are more likely to be shared and linked by others, making them show up more in search results.

Updating old content can also lower bounce rates. Users who find outdated content might leave quickly, hurting your SEO. Keeping content fresh encourages visitors to stay longer, engage more, and explore your site.

Enhancing User Experience

User experience is key to your website’s success. Outdated content can upset visitors and make them doubt your site. If they find old or incorrect information, they might leave and look elsewhere.

By updating your content, you give visitors accurate and up-to-date information. This builds trust and makes users more likely to return.

Updated content is also easier to read and navigate, which improves the user experience. When content is simple and clear, users stay longer, which can lead to more sales and loyal customers.

9 Effective Ways to Update Old Content

Update Old Blog Content

Updating old content doesn’t have to be daunting. Focusing on these nine key strategies can help you refresh your content effectively and efficiently.

Revise Headlines for Engagement

The headline is the first thing a reader sees, and it helps them decide if they want to read more. If your headline is old or not interesting, you might lose readers right away.

Think about what grabs your attention and use that to make your headline more engaging. Use strong, action words that make people want to click. Adding numbers, asking questions, or promising clear benefits can make a headline more exciting.

For example, if your original headline was “How to Improve Your Content,” changing it to “7 Easy Ways to Quickly Improve Your Content” makes it more appealing and specific. The number shows a clear plan, and “quickly” adds urgency.

Keep your headline short, clear, and related to the content. Avoid using tricks that can disappoint readers and make them leave your site quickly.

Update Statistics and Facts

Update Blog Stats

You can lose trust quickly by sharing outdated information. Facts, stats, and industry data change fast, so your content must stay current.

When you update old content, check all the facts, stats, and data. Replace anything outdated with the latest information. This makes your content more accurate and shows you’re a reliable source.

For instance, if you used a 2015 stat, see if there’s newer research. A 2023 stat makes your content feel more relevant and trustworthy.

Also, think about the sources you link to. High-quality, recent sources boost your content’s accuracy and help with SEO. Always link to the latest reports or articles to support your updated facts and stats.

Improve Readability and Structure

Even if your content is still useful, it might be hard to read. Long paragraphs, big blocks of text, and no clear subheadings can make it tough for readers to stay interested.

To improve readability, break long paragraphs into shorter sections. Use bullet points, numbered lists, and subheadings to organize your content. This makes it easier for readers to find what they need.

Think about how your content flows. Is the information in the right order? Could you move sections around to make it clearer? A simple, logical structure keeps readers engaged and helps them finish the article.

Shorter sentences and plain language also make your content easier to read. Avoid big words or confusing terms that might push readers away.

Add New Visuals and Media

Incorporating visual content is an excellent way to make your blog posts more engaging and attractive. If your old content lacks visuals or uses outdated images, updating this can greatly improve the post.

Add new images, infographics, or videos to highlight key points. Visuals break up the text and help explain ideas more clearly. For example, an infographic showing stats or a video tutorial can give readers extra value.

Choose high-quality visuals that match the content. Avoid generic stock photos that don’t add much. Instead, find images that help readers better understand the topic.

Videos are great for engaging readers. If possible, create a short video summarizing the main points of your post. This is especially useful for those who prefer watching over reading.

Remember to add alt text to images and video transcripts. This helps with accessibility and improves SEO, ensuring that all users can fully enjoy your content.

Optimize for Mobile Devices

With more people using mobile devices to access content, your blog posts must be mobile-friendly. If your old content isn’t optimized for mobile, you might lose a big part of your audience.

First, check how your content looks on different devices. Are the images too big or too small? Is the text easy to read on a small screen? Can users easily navigate without zooming in and out?

If there are problems, adjust by making the font bigger, resizing images, or adding more space between lines and paragraphs. The goal is to make reading easy and smooth, no matter the device.

Also, think about how fast your pages load on mobile devices. Slow load times can annoy users and make them leave quickly. Optimizing images, using lazy loading, and reducing code can speed up load times and improve the mobile experience.

Making your content mobile-friendly not only helps users but also boosts your SEO. Search engines favor mobile-friendly sites, so optimizing your content can help you rank higher.

Insert New Internal and External Links

External Website Links

Links are important for both SEO and user experience. They guide readers to more content they might like and show search engines that your site is connected and trustworthy.

When updating old content, look for chances to add new internal and external links. Internal links can guide readers to related posts on your site, making them stay longer and explore more. This increases page views and reduces bounce rates.

External links to high-quality sites can improve your credibility and SEO. These links show that your content is well-researched and supported by reliable sources. Make sure external links open in a new tab so readers don’t leave your site completely.

Also, check the links already in your content. Remove or fix any broken links, as they can hurt your SEO and annoy readers. Keeping your links fresh and relevant improves the user experience and the quality of your content.

Refresh the Call-to-Action (CTA)

Your call-to-action (CTA) is crucial for getting readers to take action. Whether you want them to sign up for a newsletter, download a guide, or share your post, your CTA needs to be clear. If your current CTA is outdated or doesn’t match your goals, it’s time for an update.

First, think about what you want readers to do after reading your content. Your CTA should lead them to that action.

For example, if your old CTA asked readers to download an eBook, but now you want to grow your email list, change it to something like “Subscribe for Weekly Tips and Exclusive Content.”

Make sure your CTA is clear, short, and persuasive. Use action words that tell readers exactly what they’ll get by taking the next step. A strong, relevant CTA can greatly boost your conversion rates and make your old content more effective.

Consider placing your CTA in several spots within the post—after the intro, in the middle, and at the end. This gives readers multiple chances to engage with your CTA, increasing the chances they’ll take action.

Include Social Proof and Testimonials

Social proof is a powerful way to build trust with your audience. If you have new testimonials, reviews, or case studies, add them to your old content.

Testimonials from happy customers or endorsements from experts can make your content more valuable. They show that others have benefited from your product, service, or advice, which can encourage new readers to take action.

For example, if you originally wrote a post about a new product and now have positive reviews, include some of these testimonials in the post. This not only updates your content but also makes it more persuasive.

You can also use quotes or stats from trusted sources as social proof. This shows that your content is well-researched and backed by experts in your field.

Adding social proof to your old content makes it more convincing and trustworthy, leading to higher engagement and more conversions.

Repurpose Content for Different Platforms

Repurposing content is a smart way to make it last longer and reach more people. By adapting your old content for different platforms, you can refresh it and attract new readers.

Start by picking key parts of your content that can stand alone. For example, a detailed blog post could be split into several social media posts, each sharing a different tip or point.

You could also create an infographic to sum up the main ideas or turn the content into a script for a video or podcast. Repurposing lets you reach people who prefer visual or audio content.

Another idea is to combine related blog posts into a full guide or eBook. This not only updates your content but also offers readers more value in a new format.

Repurposing content helps you get the most out of your old posts. It allows you to reach new audiences and make a bigger impact with your content.

Best Practices for Content Updates

Updating content isn’t a one-time task—it’s an ongoing process that requires regular attention. Following best practices ensures that your content remains fresh, relevant, and effective over time.

Use Analytics to Identify High-Value Content

Not all content is created equal. Some posts naturally perform better than others, driving more traffic, engagement, and conversions. You can use analytics tools to identify which of your old posts are still generating significant value.

Focus your efforts on these high-performing posts first. Updating content that’s already attracting traffic can enhance its effectiveness and extend its lifespan.

Analytics can also help you identify underperforming content. These posts may benefit from more substantial updates, such as a complete rewrite or repurposing into a different format.

By prioritizing high-value content for updates, you can make the most efficient use of your time and resources and ensure that your efforts have the greatest impact.

Set a Regular Review Schedule

Consistency is key when it comes to updating old content. Rather than waiting until content becomes outdated, set a regular review schedule to keep your posts fresh and relevant.

Depending on the volume of content on your site, you might review posts quarterly, biannually, or annually. During each review, assess your content’s accuracy, relevance, and quality. Make any necessary updates to ensure it meets current standards and continues to provide value to your audience.

Regular reviews also help you stay ahead of industry changes, such as new trends, regulations, or technological advancements. Keeping your content current helps maintain your site’s credibility and authority.

A consistent review schedule ensures that your content maintains its value over time, supports your long-term goals, and maintains your site’s relevance.


Updating old content is one of the most effective strategies for maintaining your site’s relevance and improving its SEO. Implementing the nine strategies outlined in this guide can refresh your content, attract more traffic, and keep your audience engaged.

Remember, content updates are an ongoing process. Regularly reviewing and revising your posts ensures that your content library remains a valuable resource for your readers. With thoughtful updates and a commitment to quality, you can make your old content look new again, driving long-term success for your website.

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Andrew Roche Director of Digital Marketing
Andrew Roche is a dynamic Digital Marketer specializing in SEO and Social Media Marketing, focusing on elevating website rankings and enhancing user experience through comprehensive strategies. He creates engaging content for social platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, using innovative methods and analytics to expand audience engagement and refine campaigns for impactful results. Committed to collaboration, Andrew tailors campaigns to clients' unique needs, ensuring optimal ROI while staying current with the latest digital marketing trends and technologies.

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